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HazAir provides full-spectrum environmental services including program management, planning, environmental compliance, ISO 14001 compliance support, EESOH-MIS support, EPCRA reporting, and NEPA consultation to multiple AFMC operating locations in the Southwest. Using several full-time on-site staff and off-site SMEs with extensive DoD and technical experience, we successfully manage more than half the environmental compliance programs for AFMC/OL-N installations. Robust cost management, and comprehensive quality control plans allow us to identify potential problem areas and propose solutions to minimize or preclude any adverse impact to cost, schedule, or mission requirements. Other objectives include Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste operation support, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) program support and flood analysis support, comprehensive occupational health evaluations, and sampling of old structures and facilities to ensure USAF personnel are provided a safe working environment, free of asbestos, lead, PCBs, and other hazardous materials and conditions.

HazAir is providing Industrial Hygiene Services for the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex (WR-ALC) industrial shops at Robins AFB. These IH services are provided for approximately 15,000 industrial workers who perform maintenance on aircraft. HazAir provides all the necessary IH personnel, IH equipment, and analyses to perform air sampling, swipe sampling, and noise dosimetry for occupational health compliance monitoring, routine assessment of the WR-ALC industrial ventilation systems program, and other occupational health support as needed. HazAir maintains an experienced on-site team to support all the project requirements. Additionally, we provide several levels of reach back support for the on-site team to call upon should they need assistance.

Under this contract, HazAir completed several different tasks, including the Air Program Optimization Visits (APOV), Value Engineering, and Air Program Needs, among others. Under the APOV initiative, HazAir was responsible for leading broad, comprehensive on-site air quality program valuations at military industrial complexes, aggregating all observations, and submitting recommendations to AFCEC for further analysis. Under the Value Engineering initiative, Hazair completed in-depth studies of external combustion sources at several dozen military installations. Lastly, HazAir prepared a report delineating trends in air quality issues, analyzed and predicted areas of increased EPA focus and pinpointed weaknesses in Air Force programs with data from 200 installations, APOV site visits, and formulated recommendations with necessary actions for USAF programs to meet changes in local, state, and federal air quality regulations.

HazAir developed an EA assessing impacts from several alternatives associated with construction of major airfield improvements and the demolition and construction associated with two access control points to the installation. Construction includes extensions of taxiways, expansion of arm/dearm pads, dissipation pavement, several crew shelters, repositioning of two gates (including the main gate), and renovation and demolition of entry control facilities. The affected environment included evaluation criteria of Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geological Resources, Hazardous Materials and Wastes, Land Use, Noise, Safety, Transportation, and Water Resources.

HazAir developed an EA for Kirtland AFB for the potential environmental impacts associated with the 300-acre Area Development of Zia Park, a former housing area. The proposed action included construction of multiple building complexes and campuses (including, but not limited to, a medical facility, base gym, ~12 dormitory facilities, two training campuses, a DFAC, and CDC), roads and intersections, a new entry control facility, and the demolition of several buildings. As the prime, HazAir was responsible for all project management associated with the Zia Park EA. The scope included DOPAA development, preparation of the Draft and Final EA and FONSI, IICEP coordination and consultation (including scoping and NOA), and creation of the administrative record. Specific EA sections included air quality, geological resources, hazardous materials/hazardous wastes, infrastructure, safety, noise, socioeconomics, water resources, and administrative record.

The Bulk Fuels Facility (BFF) located on Kirtland AFB released fuel over a period of several decades into the underlying aquifer. This project is one of many that help monitor the nature and extent of this contamination. Under this contract, eight soil vapor monitoring wells were sited and installed. The area was surveyed for all subsurface utilities prior to installation. As the prime, HazAir was responsible for project management, identifying and obtaining all permits and coordination with the City of Albuquerque and nearby VA Hospital, preparation of the work and corresponding safety plans, data QA/QC and validation and preparation of an investigation report.

HazAir completed an EA for Luke AFB and the USMC to evaluate an increase of number of allowable troops during large-scale exercises to full battalion level. Weapon and Tactics Instructor training events would allow up to 500 ground personnel to participate at the 1.7-million-acre military aviation training facility, BMGR East. The environmental impacts that were assessed include Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hazardous Material and Wastes, and Health and Safety.

The primary objective for the Kirtland IH support contract is to provide full-spectrum industrial hygiene services. HazAir applies engineering and scientific knowledge in identifying, quantifying, and controlling hazards in the workplace. We achieve this goal by having experienced staff permanently assigned and offer internal reach back support for our on-site staff provided by several other experienced industrial hygiene and occupational health professionals.

HazAir provided services for the U.S. Department of the Army’s Lone Star Ammunition Plant and monitoring at the High Explosive Demolition Ground, XX-Test Area, and Area A Landfill. HazAir was responsible for maintaining, updating, and following a robust sampling plan to measure the extent of contamination at a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) site and assess laboratory results to monitor trends and predict expected concentrations. This site is characterized by having groundwater contaminated with a variety of explosive compounds and metals, and it included monitoring (groundwater, surface water, and methane gas), and the development of semiannual and annual reports. This project also included IDW storage, management, and disposal.

In support of the VA MMC, HazAir prepared a storm water inventory and storm water management (SWM) study in support of the VA MMC’s final goal of developing a Storm Water Management Plan and/or Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for the entire campus. The storm water inventory and SWM study was completed in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations and the EPA’s storm water requirements. Additional tasks included a dye trace study, archived drawing review, mapping of the existing conveyance system, and development of preliminary engineering designs for projects identified during investigation and infrastructure mapping.

The scope of this Fence to Fence Environmental Services Contract provided for environmental conservation, environmental compliance, pollution prevention, cultural and natural resources management, and environmental operations and maintenance support activities across the entire complex of Nellis AFB, Creech, AFB, the Nevada Test and Training Range, and Angel Peak. Activities included hazardous waste and hazardous materials program management; air quality program management; cultural resources program management; water quality program management; sampling and monitoring; long-term monitoring and solid waste management.

Under the Holloman AFB Landfarm Sampling contract, HazAir is responsible for soil and groundwater sampling at the landfarm facility at Holloman AFB. The project started with a baseline sampling event in which waste is characterized, data analysis and screening, potentiometric maps were developed, and a baseline report was completed. Sampling occurs on a semi-annual basis and the data is analyzed, validated, and a report is developed containing the narrative of field activities and data interpretations. This project also included IDW storage, management, and disposal.

Well WYO-4 is one of four area wells located in the north-central portion of Kirtland Air Force Base (AFB). It is a perched groundwater monitoring well that has shown contamination in the perched groundwater zone. HazAir conducted thorough review of historical documents and research to identify possible sources of contamination. Multiple data sources were utilized to characterize the hydrogeologic conditions and develop a history for contaminant discovery, investigation, and corrective actions at the site. A report was prepared and finalized.

The purpose of the Facility System Safety (FASS) training was to present safety engineering and management strategies to USACE staff to enable integration of such practices throughout facility planning, design, and construction. HazAir has developed and conducted multiple training courses that cover FASS techniques and how and when to integrate them into a variety of business practices.

Under this contract, HazAir developed an EA for Kirtland AFB for the potential environmental impacts associated with the construction of a HPEM laboratory for development of advanced HPM systems and HEDP research. HazAir was responsible for all project management associated with the HPEM EA. The scope also included DOPAA development, preparation of the Draft and Final EA and FONSI, IICEP coordination and consultation (including scoping and NOA), and creation of the administrative record. Specific EA sections that included air quality, geological resources, noise, water resources, cultural resources, hazardous materials/hazardous wastes, and safety.

HazAir is responsible for performing annual air emission inventory and submittal for the Rio Valley Chili company. HazAir conducts a full review of all previous documentation and new emissions, completes air emission estimates, and performs data entry into the Air Emissions Inventory Reporting database system.

HazAir completed a Remedial Investigation Report for the former Walker Air Force Base. The RI was submitted in 2009 to NMED and received multiple comments. The report was never finalized addressing NMED’s comments and remained open. HazAir completed extensive research to address these comments, updated the findings to current screening limits, and revised the entire report to obtain regulatory concurrence.

HazAir provided occupational health and safety, and industrial hygiene services in support of the 45th Medical Group. HazAir applied engineering and scientific knowledge in identifying, quantifying, and controlling hazards in the workplace. HazAir provided all the necessary IH personnel, IH equipment, and analyses to perform air sampling, swipe sampling, and noise dosimetry for occupational health compliance monitoring, and other occupational health support as needed.

HazAir began this inventory prior to fieldwork, with record searches using the Nevada Cultural Resources Information System (NVCRIS) database and in-person at the BLM Winnemucca District office. After that HazAir completed a 15.7-mile long, 30-meter wide corridor cultural resources survey. Mapping, documentation, collection, and a final inventory report were completed for this project.

HazAir was responsible for completing multiple archeological surveys totaling 7,000 acres. Each survey included pre-field documentation, cultural resource surveys, and reports. The area included multiple prehistoric sites, tail systems, caves, and areas of historic potential.  Each field team required a Native American Monitor, and Safety & Security personnel, all provided by HazAir. The final report was accepted by the Nevada SHPO.

Mission Statement

HazAir is committed to providing innovative solutions and services for environmental compliance and occupational health & safety needs of commercial and government organizations. We equally value the interests of our employees, stockholders, and clients when making all business decisions. This promotes a company culture that ensures sustainable growth, maintains quality services, and facilitates a positive working environment.

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